Dear travelers, according to one of the famous expressions, "to travel is to live" and therefore our car rent company wants to show you the world of Central Asia, where you will see the wonders and beauties of such countries, as Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Their capitals are among the most gorgeous cities of Central Asia - the cities of Bishkek, Almaty and Dushanbe. Our car rent company is one of the best in terms of organizing self-driving auto tours. It means that you will get the best cars for rent and the total freedom to do what you want on the territory of Central Asia and the ability to visit the sightseeing you want and stay there as much as you want. Our drivers are very professional and with them, you will be able to explore all parts of Central Asia, even the most difficult mountaineering passes of Tien Shan and Pamir Alai Mountains. In addition, they are at the same time mechanics as well and if the cars for rent would be damaged, you will not stuck in the middle of nowhere.
Our car rent specialists, who are working in the cities of Bishkek, Almaty and Dushanbe, will be able to provide you with the most current information concerning the prices in Central Asia, location of the good restaurants and markets with unique souvenirs, as well as the hotels and hostels. You will learn about the exchange rate and weather conditions, as well as conditions on the roads. So, all important data will be fully at your disposal and you will land in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan equipped with knowledge! Do not lose such a great opportunity and get our autos in order to experience unbelievable adventures! The world is outside of your comfort zone, so take pour cars for rent and explore this wonderful world. This will allow you to make your life more colorful and interesting! Choose our auto company and smile!