Kyrgyz visa


You can get a Tourist Visa:
- From a Kyrgyz Embassy or Consulate abroad with a letter of invitation. The prize of a visa varies according to the embassy. 
- If there is no Kyrgyz representation in a given country you have an option to get it from Russian or Kazakh Representation Office - On arrival at Bishkek Airport. You have to notify a representative of the Consular Section upon arrival. The cost of a visa is $US 70.00. 


Conditions of Residence
When you arrive in Kyrgyzstan you must register within three working days with the passport department (OVIR) where you are staying. (Office of Visas and Registrations), preferably in Bishkek. You can do it yourself. The office is located at 58 Kievskaya St. They are off on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Registration may cost you nearly 120 som. Before going to OVIR you must stop at a branch of the AKB Bank, say "OVIR", and pay nearly 120 som and get a receipt for the OVIR office. 
If OVIR shows that you have been in the country longer than three working days without registering, you could be fined US $25. Our company can get the OVIR registration for you. It costs 10 EUR per person. 

List of countries Citizens of those are released from OVIR can receive Kyrgyz Visa without LOI. You can easily get it as soon as you arrive in the airport:
Federative Republic of Germany 
Greece Republic 
Iceland Republic 
Ireland Republic 
Italian Republic 
Kingdom of Belgium 
Kingdom of Dania 
Kingdom of Netherlands 
Kingdom of Norwegian 
Kingdom of Spain 
Kingdom of Sweden 
New Zealand 
Republic of Finland 
Republic of France 
Republic of Korea 
Republic of Malta 
Republic of Portuguese 
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


More information and facts are available at:
Lenin Summit  
Kyrgyzstan tour 1
6 days tour 3
7 days tour 9
8 days tour 3